Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Dance at our fingertips

It estimated that there are 2,405,518,376 internet users worldwide and 70% of them use the internet everyday. Nowadays it is considered that "connectivity is a basic human right" (Facebook founder Zuckerburg.) Society is becoming increasingly dependent on the internet. The rapid evolution of the internet and social media has had major impacts on the dance world. Dance is no longer a thing of just being witnessed in a theatre, it is now at our fingertips.

Web 2.0 sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube have opened up a giant new platform for artists to share their skills and witness other peoples. Social Media sites have become a stage for individuals, companies, professionals and amateurs worldwide. Web 2.0 has massively increased general knowledge and awareness of dance and has reached out to viewers who may not otherwise experience the art form.

Image result for facebook twitter instagram youtube icons

Over the past few years companies around the world have caught on to live viral streaming of classes, shows and dance events which expands audience numbers far greater than the number of seats in a theatre. It is important that the dance world keeps up to date with society but is this increasing online platform taking away some of the magic of going to a theatre to see dance?

Image result for royal ballet live online

(Statistics taken from )

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